Weekly Workout: 5/8/2018

Outdoor Hill Circuit

Take advantage of the weather and take your workout outside! A grassy area with a hill works best, but see below for modifications.

Warm up with 3-5 minutes of dynamic stretching

Complete each exercise, then repeat from the beginning for a total of 3 rounds. If you don't have access to a hilly area, allow yourself enough room to complete each exercise for 30-60 seconds.

  1. Sprint up hill, walk back down
  2. Lunge up hill, walk back down
  3. Bearcrawl up hill, walk back down
  4. Sideways lunge up hill, walk back down (lead with right leg)
  5. Sideways lunge up hill, walk back down (lead with left leg)
  6. High Knee up hill, walk back down

Cool down with 3-5 minutes of stretching